"Built to work! - Built to last!"
Iroquois stake / platform bodies are constructed of 10 ga. steel rails with 3" or 4" (your choice) structural steel crossmembers on 16" centers.
To fit your specific needs, select either 4" or 6" structural steel longsills.
IMC platform bodies are available in a variety of configurations with lengths from 8 ft. to 26 ft. and four different widths, 84 in. to 96 in. All bodies are undercoated and primed.

- 10 ga. steel rails
- Crossmembers are 3" or 4" (your choice) structural channel on 16" centers
- Longsills are 4" or 6" (your choice) structural channel
- 1 1/2" pressure treated southern hard pine floor
- Bodies are primed and undercoated
- Clearance lights and reflectors
- 84 in. wide
- 87 in wide
- 95 in. wide
- 96 in. wide
- 1 1/2" pressure treated hard pine
- 1 1/8" apitong hardwood
- 10 ga. smooth steel
- 3/16" smooth steel
- 1/8" diamond plate
- 3/16" diamond plate
- steel (smooth or diamond plate) over wood
Side / End racks
- wood slats
- steel slats
- solid steel
Headboards / bulkheads
- 42", 48", 54" or 60" high
- braced forward or rearward
- with / without screen window
- with / without cab protector
- Choice of floors: 1 1/8" apitong hardwood, 10 ga & 3/16" smooth steel, 1/8" & 3/16" diamond plate
- Slatted wood, slatted steel or solid steel sides and/or ends
- Headboards / bulkheads
- Cab protectors
- Intergrated screen window
- Swinging side or end sections with hold back hardware
- Dump body style tailgate
- Sliding winch track, sliding cargo winches
- ICC underride
- Paint - black or color to match truck
- Many customization options - make your truck fit your needs