Fisher Walk Behind Spreader

Fisher Walk Behind Spreaders


FISHER® Walk-Behind Spreaders

Whether you’re drop spreading along narrow walkways, or broadcast-spreading across wider areas, FISHER® Professional Walk-Behind Spreaders will get the job done. Constructed of sturdy corrosion-free polyethylene, both spreader models feature a clear hopper cover to keep your de-icing material dry and flowing freely while providing a clear view inside, so you know when it’s time to reload.  With pneumatic tires and a powder-coated steel frame, these walk-behind spreaders are designed to provide trouble-free performance.

WB-100B and WB-160D Walk-Behind Spreaders


Both the WB-100B Broadcast Spreader and the WB-160B Drop- Style Spreader are ideal for spreading bagged bulk salt and bagged commercial ice-melt products along walkways, sidewalks and other narrow areas.

Both styles feature:

  • corrosion free polyethylene hopper
  • top screen to break up incoming material
  • single slot port design
  • clear hopper cover
  • powder coated steel frame

Model         Spreader      Capacity    Dimension          Approx.    Spinner      Spreading

                      style                                                         Weight       Size          Width

WB-100        Broadcast    100 lbs.   50"x 26"x 28"         25 lbs.      10"          up to 20'

WB-160         Drop           160 lbs.   48"x 38 1/4"x 36"   55 lbs.      10"               3'


Both models spread bagged ice melters and rock salt.

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